

VU EDU 406 Grand Quiz (Solved) 2019, 2020, 2021 ! VU Quiz Solution !

  •  1.           The cognitive process is characterized as essential to____________________ Higher order thinking  
  • 2.           Which one is called an example of critical thinking? ______________________________Questioning 
  • 3.           The most basic level of reflection is called as   _____________________________________Technical 
  • 4.           quadrant of jo-Hari windows represent the things that you are not aware of but are known by others
  • __________________________________________________________________________Blind area 
  • 5.           The name of the Schon (1983) book is ----------------------- _____________The reflective practitioner 
  • 6.           In a school a critical friend can be all of the following except___________ A new teacher who started working in the school shortly after you  
  • 7.           Inference is defined as the ability to___________________________ understand the information  
  • 8.           Reflective teachers are more likely to develop _____learners. ________________________Reflective 
  • 9.           Being able to do something skillfully without having to consider everything closely _______ 
  • ____________________________________________________Unconscious competence 
  • 10.        The difference between novice and expert teachers reflection practice is clearly visible 
  • in__________________________________________________ Developmental Readiness 
  • 11.        seeing teachers a reflective practitioner has rejected all mentioned notions except 
  • ____________________________helps teachers to develop repertoire of strategies  
  • 12.        according to Ash and Moore new teachers are 
  • _______________________________________ not reflect critically and constructively  
  • 13.        According to Stephen Brook, reflective practice is? ___________Empowers the teacher to appreciate the bigger picture surrounding teaching  
  • 14.        Problem-solving, brainstorming, hypothesizing, investigating, experimenting, Socratic method, online searching are belongs to ….. Multiple intelligence theory_________________________________ Logical 
  • 15.        Clarify is defined as __________________________________________ State one point at a time 
  • 16.        Concept act as …….. tools for coping with the world and for solving problems____________cognitive 
  • Within a critical thinking framework, 'reasoning' is conducted from______________ Both 'a' and 'b'  18.           The term selective practice is derived from the work of _______________________________Dewey 
  • 19.        What confuses the critical thinking and pushes thought in specific directions ___________Emotions 
  • 20.        Comprehensive account of the situation either verbaly or in writing is termed as_________ Synthesis  21.    Reflective practice is important because it is used to _______Enhance the quality of the learners 
  • 22. Reflective practice is important because it             ______________________________ALL of the above 
  • 23. Which of the following assumptions does NOT underlie action research?_______ Teachers and other education professionals can and will engage in systematic research only if they are given adequate time and additional pay   
  • 24.        In what type of instructions, teacher uses inductive teaching to draw the statement of conceptual understanding from students_______________________________ In 3- dimensional instructions 
  • 25.        reflective         practice           is          a          crucial way      of         learning           and
  • extending________________________________________________ professional understanding
  • 33.        All are the barriers to the reflective practice except. ___________________Lack of Critical thinking 
  • 34.        In reflecting writing it is important to select the most___ part of the event only. _________Significant 
  • 35.        Double loop learning involves_ ______.____________________________________All of the above  37. A reframing matrix is a tool used because different peoples have different_ 
  • _______________________________________________________Experience to approach problem  
  • 38.     Exploring practice using inductive action planning requires 
  • ___________________________________________Clearly defined and expressed success criteria 
  • 39.        Cognitive shortcuts that people use to help make sense of complex information is known as: 
  • __________________________________________________________________________Concept map 
  • 40.        In which type of reflection historic, political and cultural values frame practical problems? 
  • ______________________________________________________________________Critical reflection 
  • 41.        Which beliefs are behind to make the casual relation of frames? ___________________Assumptions 
  • 42.        Multiple intelligence theory benefits in                ____________________Development of strategies 
  • 43.        According to Habermas, reflection requires a level of detachment and ________________Objectivity 
  • 44.        A benefit of the greenaway model of reflection is_ _______________________________It is cyctical 
  • 45.        A reflective practitioner is able to ________________________Question assumption and values 
  • 46.        The term reflective practice is derived from the work of ________________________________Schon 
  • 47.        Criteria that is used for deciding if a situation is desirable or undesirable or if the idea is good one or a bad one is called as: _____________________________________________________________Value 
  • 48.        According to a Brookfield, which is the most powerful lens for teachers? _____________The self lens   
  • 49.        Looking in is the part of reflective process which _______________________Occur before teaching 
  • 50.        Synergistic thinking is ________________________________________________None of the above 
  • 51.        Key feature of reflection are: _________________________________________________All of these 
  • 52.        A reflective action plan involves being helped to: _________________________________All of these  
  • 53.        What   happened        when   the       original            starting            point    causes a          dilemma             that      needs to addressed?___________________________________________________________Transformation 
  • 54.        The major concern for a reflective practitioner is to be aware with their 
  • ____________________________________________________Underlying beliefs and assumptions  
  • 55.        The theorem is a formal method of speculation developed by the ________________________Greeks 
  • 56.        ________ activities are the translation of naturalistic intelligence for reflective practitioner 
  • ________________________________________Categorizing, contrasting, classifying, organizing 
  • 57.        Concept-based learning means the reflective practitioner ________________________   
  • __________________________________Work with deeper levels of conceptual understanding 
  • 58.         A reflective practitioner in concept-based teaching and learning encourages _____ 
  • ____________________________________________________________questions and investigation      
  • 58.         Lather             stressed           on        the       use       of         appropriate     language         in            reflective         practice           to         avoid:
  • _______________________________________________________________________ All of above   
  • 59.         Which are related to policies in use. They are used for dealing with the situation
  • _____________________________________________________________________ Action frames  61. The benefits of utilizing (MI) theory in educator professional are multifold 
  • _______________________________________________________________________All of the above 
  • 62.         What act as catalyst to challenging the reflective practitioner to think at more advance levels___________________________________________________________ Conceptual learning 
  • 63.         vehicles for explanation, prediction  or control are called as __________________________ Theories 
  • 64.         Which of the following is NOT one of the four steps in action research____________________ 
  • ___________________________________Developing a professional measurement instrument  
  • 65.         dimensional   instruction       includes                       _________________________________________________
  • ________________reforming concepts to improve the level of learning across multiple contexts 
  • 66.making sound judgments in work related situation is an attribute of…… competence____________Ethical 
  • 67.            Unreflective thinker is: _____________________Unaware of the determining role of thinking 
  • 68.            Critical reflection facilitates_____ learning________________________________ transformational   
  • 69.            ‘Looking out’ is a combination of _________________ A range of viewpoints about experiences   
  • 70.            A limitation of self reflection are ___________ The difference between perception and reality  71.  Reflective practice has been embraced by teachers, researchers , teacher and educator since last:____________________________________________________________________ two decades 
  • 72.                               Reflection is the ability to reflect on questions __to improve practice.________ What, why and how 
  • 73.                               Conceptual innovation is _______._________________________________________ Like re-framing 
  • 74.                               Epistemic stances________________________________________ Changes with the experiences 
  • 75.                               What does not constitute professionalism?_______________________________________ Reflection 
  • 76.                               Having subject specialist knowledge is called ________________________________ Professionalism 
  • 77.                               Emancipatory phase of critical reflective enquiry helps to ________________ in the class.____ 
  • ___________________________________________________Encourage different ways of thinking 
  • 78.                               In 5-step model of critical thinking, the first step is:_____________ Determining goals/objectives  
  • 79.                               Single loop learning has ____strategies.______________________________________________ Rigid 
  • 80.                               One principle of reflection in the Roth Model is that ___It uses ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions  
  • 72.                               Teachers mostly don‘t take _______________what they did in class.  _______________ Action  
  • 73.                               Professional           competencies may     be        developed       by:___        _______________________________
  • ________________understanding and knowledge of social and policy contexts for education 
  • 83. What does ‘a lack of conceptual clarity’ mean? _____________________________________the educational community has different interpretations of reflection  
  • 84.        Reflective practitioner has two levels. The names of these two levels are:  
  • ______________________________________________________________ action level and cognitive level   
  • 85.        A taxonomy provides a structured framework to a reflective practitioner to move from 
  • _______________________________________________Absolute knowing to Contextual knowing   
  • 86.        Principles of developing competence among reflective practitioners include ______ 
  • ____________________________________________________assume roles beyond the classroom  
  • 87.        In reflective practice the major focus of teacher must not on “why things are happening ”but   on:_______________________________________________________________ what has happened? 
  • 88.        What  is reflective practice ____ Process of action to improve the professional role  89. Synergistic thinking is a combination of following thinking levels:____________________
  • __________________________________________________________factual and conceptual thinking  
  • 90.        Reframing of beliefs is a four-step process. The order of determination of these beliefs is:_____ core belief -supporting beliefs -opposites of supporting belief -reframed core belief 
  • 91.        According to Sandwell’s view, giving emphasis on only individual reflection leads to:___ 
  • ___________________ignoring accounts of other within the community within which reflection occurs 
  • 92.        Reflective writing focuses on _______.______________________________________ Interpretation 
  • 93.        Teacher reflect upon the larger context of education particularly with ethical and moral issues is an attribute of ________________________________________________________________________________ reflection.  94. What is the trickiest pedagogic task according to Stephan Brookfield?  
  • _______________________________________________________________Getting inside student’s heads   
  • 95.        Re-theorising is the means by which Reflective Practitioners ________________________Critically examine practice and theories in the light of theories  
  • 96.        The reflection which focuses on the investigating questions and clarifying the assumptions behind teaching activities is called as___________________________________________________ Practical  97. Which model encourages the teachers to think about a given situation and establish and action plan for dealing_ ________________________________________________________Gibbs reflective cycle  
  • 98.        To increase our understanding, we need to_____________________ respect evidence and reason   
  • 99.        According to schon reflection in action and reflection on action all the mechanism reflective practitioners use that permit them to___________________________________ continually develop and learn from their experience or meet organizational and national standards  
  • 100.    Critical reflection involves which of the following___________________ Analysing and evaluating  
  • 101.    All the practices of formal instruction expect_______________ it develops its own assumptions   
  • 98.        in which type of reflection historic political and critical values frame practical  problems______________________________________________________________ critical reflection  
  • 99.        Which of the following is not a reason for reflective practice?  
  • __________________________________________________Reflective practitioner models reflective learning  
  • 100.    The competence model is about ______how the teacher moves through different levels of awareness  
  • 101.    What does evidence suggest as being most important for a long-term commitment to Reflective Practice_ _______________________________Guidance and structure are key factors for Reflective Practitioners  
  • 102.    All are the stages of epistemic stances except:___________________________________ Situational knowing   
  • 103.    Reflective writing does all of the following expect: _______________________________________create ideas  108. Leaning from reflection can also be known as________________ Professional development-based learning  
  • 109.      Our assumption can be_____________________________________________________________ Perceptual.   
  • 110.      Who discuss the cultural and personal risks involved in reflective practice______________________ Brookfield  
  • 111.      The jo-Hari windows has …… quadrants_________________________________________________4  112. What help student to build trust and promote positive learning environment in class  
  • ________________________________________________teaching becomes responsive to student feedback  
  • 113.    Theories –in-use- means: ________________________________________For exploring and developing ideas  
  • 114.    The theorem is a formal method of speculation developed by the_______._________________________ Greeks  
  • 115.    Applying a new strategy to achieve an outcome and having a wider perspective is the attribute of:__  
  • ___________________________________________________________________________Double Loop learning  
  • 116.    Who proposes a framework based on different kinds of critical thinking.___ ______________________Halpern  
  • 117.    We understand frames through the use of ______.___________________ Metaphors to communicate logic  118. Re-Thinking mean:___________________________________________________ What is already known?  119. A reflective practitioner uses a range of reflective models in the class because___  
  • 120.      Self-regulation is _____.________________________________________________ A metacognitive process  
  • 121.      The  Constant striving for self-improvement of a reflective practitioner may leads to  
  • :______________________________________________________________________________ Self-disapproval  
  • 122.      Reflective practitioner does NOT believe in:_________________________ One single truth/ one right way  
  • 123.      __________     activities              are         the         translation          of            musical                 intelligence         for                reflective
  • practitioner__________________________________________ Listening, patterning, mirroring, repeating  
  • 124.      Benjamin Bloom major work in is ___________________________________________________. Cognitive  
  • 125.      Which is the highest level of reflection from the following types?_____________________________ Critical
  • 126.      A reflective practitioner plans his/her teaching through practical activities to develop knowledge and skills so that students can learn inductively and deductively in_________________________3-dimensional instruction  
  • A benefit of the green away model of reflection is ___________________________________ It is cyctical 2. Which of the following best describes the benefits of reflective practice?
  • ____________________________________________________ It determines what counts as knowledge.
  • 3.           A common strand of reflecting-in-action and reflecting-on- practice is
  • ____________________________________________Connecting with feelings in relation to applications of  theory
  • 4.           Which one statement is the example of core best practice?__Teachers provides an enriched environment
  • 5.           What is reflective practice? _______________________________Process of action to improve the professional role
  • 6.           What type of reflection allows teachers to modify his/her teaching strategy based on students responses?
  • __________________________________________________________________All the above 
  • 7.           Reflection on action deals with the happened _______________________________ Outside the classroom
  • 8.           Bloom's model which guides the lowest level of reflection might use all the following except
  • __________________________________________________________Did I give enough time for individual activity?          
  • 9.           Which of the following is NOT a skill which underpins reflexivity?___________________  Existential phenomenology
  • 10.        A critical friend can be defined as________________________A trusted person who asks provocative questions, provides data to examined through another lens, and offers critiques of a person’s work as a friend
  • 11.        What does the idea of reflective practice dismiss? Select the corect option_____________Teachers view
  • 12.        Which of the following is not a reason for reflective practice? Select the correct option________________________________________________________ It is a professional requirement correct
  • 3.           Which of the following about teacher’s teacher’s professional knowledge and understanding is true?
  • __________Teachers need to develop reflection and evaluation to support their own and others practice  
  • 1.    
  • Reframing helps the reflective practitioner….? ____________________________Both a and b 
  • 2.    Personal attributes of critical thinkers include:________________ changing with the experiences
  • 3.    a Limitations of self-reflection are……….________. the difference between perception and reality 
  • 4.    Frames are influenced by ………__________________________________________Metaphors 
  • 5.    Which of the following is not the attribute of reflective practice? It challenge and change practice 
  • 6.    Kolb’s reflective cycle………… Emphasizes the role experience play in learning
  • 7.    The first step in the reflective practice process is : make a list of teaching strategies that you used in previous week 
  • 8.    Personal attributes of critical thinkers includes : all of above 
  • 9.    Interpretation is the skills of _____________________Understanding and transmitting
  • 10. Which reflective practice is done badly, ineffectively or inappropriately, it give rise to ------------------
  • --- concerns. _______________________________________________Professional
  • 11. Reflecting logically allows teachers to take control of their learning and helps them to develop overall------------------------___________________________________- Competencies
  • 12. Epistemic stances ____________________________________Change with the experiences
  • 13. All were the critiques on the Reflective practice movement except_____________________________________ Helps to improve teachers practice
  • 14. Critically reflective learning is nurtured by relationships between teacher and ------ ______Learner
  • 15. The 4Ps reframing matrix are productive, planning potential and------------People perspective
  • 16. One of the pedagogic concern raised by reflective teaching is called_____Development readiness
  • 17. Critical Reflection helps to support or challenge our views, practices and feelings by providing
  • Evidences
  • 18. Critical Reflection involves which of the following?
  • Analysing and evaluating
  • 19. Single loop learning has ----------- strategies.
  • Rigid
  • 20. -------------------- quadrant of Jo-Han windows represent the things that are unknown by you and are unknown by others
  • Unknown area
  • 21. Concept is looked or understood differently by reframing core belief based on
  • New supporting beliefs
  • 22. A reflective practitioner is able to
  • Question assumptions and values
  • 23. What is the evidence of reflecting thinking? Reflective writing
  • 24. In 5-step model of critical thinking, the first step is: Determining goals/objectives
  • 25. Theory that commands the thinking the action is known as
  • Theory in use
  • 1.      A Mnemonic is a ______________________________________________________learning technique
  • 2.      The most important feature of becoming a reflective practitioner is the focus on ________why to learn   
  • 3.      An objective is a clearly defined target that has the following characteristics
  • ________________________________SMART specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timed  
  • 4.      The lowest level of cognitive domain in Bloom's Taxonomy is __________________________knowledge  
  • 5. SMARTER stands for__________ specific, measurable, realistic, timed, energizing and relevant  
  • 6.      The pastoral role of teacher is intended to provide students ____________________care and attention  
  • 7.      The most significant factors that affect work based learning are ______accreditation and assessment  
  • 8.      Which of the following about teacher's professional knowledge and understanding is true? Teachers need to develop reflection and evaluation of their practice  
  • 9.      According to Stephen Brook, reflective practice is? a way for teaches to understand their problems  
  • 10. Which of the following is NOT a ‘best practice?  Follows the text closely to ensure coverage of the curriculum  11. What does evidence suggest as being most important for a long-term commitment to Reflective Practice? Collaborating with colleagues encourages the Reflective Practitioner to focus on what values inform his/her teaching  
  • 12.  Which of the following is considered the least effective form of teacher development? Certificated Courses  
  • 13.  Knowing-in-action is described by Schon as When we cannot say what we know  
  • _________________________________Listens to the dialogue without interrupting  
  • 24.        Which one of the following is the lower level of blooms taxonomy________ Evaluation 
  • 25.        Mentor can take on different roles for reflective practitioner like a: ___________All of these 
  • 26.        The conversation in the 7 C’s model for supervision can create understanding for:_Students 
  • 27.        The reflective practitioner needs to engage with one key understanding that is
  • ______________________________________________________________professionalism 
  •         28.              In asynchronous discussion teacher: _____Reflect on theories learnt about teaching 
  • 29.        The reflective practitioner ensure that inter-professional learning is effective at many levels like: ___________________________________________________________all of the above 
  • 30.        Reflecting with colleagues is very important because: ___________________________
  • _________helps us integrate in school and feel valued with other professionals  
  • 31.        There are ____ characteristics of high performing schools: __________________________9 
  • 32.        There are some particular drivers of inter-professional learning for reflective Practitioner like:
  • ___________________________________________________________________all of these 
  • 33.        There are some principles involved in inter-professional learning which:______________________________________ Increase professional satisfaction  
  • 34.        Questions of Assumption- force the reflective practitioner to look at information understand it and then to reflect internally and what assumptions we assumptions we have which are affecting the information. 
  • 35.        What type of skill reflective practitioner needs to develop ___________? __________flexible  
  • 36.        How many levels of bloom taxonomy are: ________________________________________6  37. An academic portfolio is an evolving collection of: __Experience and experiments over time  
  • 38.        Peer observation helps you to: _________________________________Provide evidence 
  • 39.        Changes can also be ________ i.e., how we go about and think about our work and even the outcomes can also be looked at from a change perspective.___________________ Evaluative 
  • 40.        The goal of lesson study is to improve the: _____experience provided to the students 
  • 41.        As an observer you need to:____________________________________ do all the above  
  • 42.        Which one of the following is the higher level of blooms taxonomy _____? Knowledge  43.          A community of practice can be described as a group of _____________ working together to achieve a common goal. ___________________________________________________People  
  • 44.        Teacher collaborating is a means for reflective practitioner to get feedback which should be 
  • 45.        Peer coaching in differentiated supervision is where: ________Two teachers work as a team  
  • 46.        Situated learning focuses on teacher learning to make them to: _______________________
  • ________________________________________________ Think critically and originally  
  • 47.        Peer observation focuses on four key areas which are: _______________________________
  • _____________________Planning, teaching strategies, management, assessment 
  • 48.         Force the reflective practitioner to consider data and information over time to see that information is consistent , relates to_____________________________________________ questions of consistency
  • 1.    which are______________________ Uncertainty, enthusiasm, lack of enthusiasm and habit
  • 2.    Lesson study focuses more on ______________________________________Student learning
  • 3.    Change can also be _________i.e. how we go about and think about our work and even the outcomes can also be looked at from a change perspective_____________________ Evaluative
  • 4.    A ________is somebody who is working along-side students in the classroom, supporting and encouraging vast challenges and cheer leading the successes of students.___________ Teacher
  • 5.    The question that reflective practitioner can ask at this ____ __of Socratic method is What do you already think at this point. ________________________________________________ Eliciting
  • 6.    The reflective practitioner needs to engage with one key understanding that is _professionalism.
  • 7.    Written reflection is positive and useful because
  • ________________________________________  It is possible to evident all the experiences
  • 8.    Can you form a new proposition given what you have just learned? This question is related to the stage_________._________________________________________________________ Decide
  • 9.    How many steps in Socratic questioning are_________________________________________6
  • 10. Peer monitoring is a_Professional relationship between reflective practitioner and colleague
  • 11. Enactive learning is the learning by_______ Doing and experiencing consequences of actions 12. Situated learning focuses on teacher learning to make them to______ ______________________
  • ___________________________________________________________Think critically and originally
  • 13.        Reflecting with colleagues is very important because_____ ____________________________
  • ________________only helps us integrate in school and feel valued with other professionals
  • 14.        Questions of Assumption is______.__________________________ force us to define our task
  • 15.        Which one of the following is the higher level of blooms taxonomy ______._____________ Knowledge  
  • 16.        ____types of questions are often used to develop thinking from lower to higher order_________ 3
  • 17.        What type of skill reflective practitioner needs to develop _________________________ flexible
  • 18.        Asynchronous discussion allows: __________dialogue occurs sometimes after experience 
  • 14.        A ________is somebody who is working along-side students in the classroom, supporting and encouraging vast challenges and cheer leading the successes of students.
  • _______________________________________________________________________Mentor 
  • 15.        The question that reflective practitioner can ask at this __________ of Socratic method is What do you already think at this point. ___________________________________________Eliciting 
  • 16.        Supervision in education is made up of: __Collaborative Observation and Feedback 
  • 17.        __types of questions are often used to develop thinking from lower to higher order. ___Three  18. Dialogue can be a self-assessment tool for reflective practitioner in:
  • __________________________________________ Assessing knowledge and Practice  
  • 19.        Which of the following are the primary processes of Socratic Method________?
  • ____________________________________________________The constructive process 
  • 20.        Lesson study focuses more on: _______________________________student learning  21.   Enactive learning is the learning by________ __________________________________
  • ____________________________Doing and experiencing consequences of actions  22. Written reflection is positive and useful because _____________________________________ ___________________________________It is possible to evident all the experiences
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