

VU EDU 301 Grand Quiz (Solved) ! VU Quiz Solution !


 1.    social constructivism is present by ________________________________ Lev Vygotsky

2.    The domain encompasses objectivies that deal with recall or recongnition of knowledge.


3.    Which of the following is not metaphor for teacher?__________________ teacher Is a guider

4.    ….is not appropriate, if both sides of brain are not working appropriately.  ___________ Learning

5.    Learning is there when teachers try to help learners change their -------------instead of focusing on their own teaching. __________________________________________cognitive structures 


6.    - is to teach certain content to the students.___________________________________ METHOD

7.    Teachers' complaint for shortage of time can be resolved through ---------. ______Unit planning  

8.    ……are much economical and take less space in our working memory_______________ Images

9.    ----- is a short term planning. ________________________________________Lesson plan  

10. Holistic development means _____________________________Complete development  

11. In this state of functioning, a teacher does not invite people to give you suggestions. There is no sharing of ideas_________________________________________ Intentionally Disinviting

12. A person with ----------- need not have specialized knowledge of his trade.______ occupation

13. How many key context are there in schooling? _____________________________________3  

14. Teaching is an activity to __ knowledge. ____________________________________Impart  


15. teachers want ________________________________________________career growth

16. complete formula for teacher growth . Knowledge + ……….+ Reflection = Growth

__________________________________________________________________ Experience

17. Schools follow a certain ------. ________________________________________curriculum

 18. ____ means that students may get any change in their behavior. _behavioral perspective   

19. "Society for Pakistani English Language Teachers" organize different workshops for -----.


20. ----------- education has no regular curriculum. _______________________________Informal

21. Reflective Practice was introduced by ----------. ___________________________Jean piajet 


22. Teaching has a --------------- function. _______________________________________social  

23. What is the highest level of teaching development ? _____________ Intentionally Inviting  

    24. Pedagogy is a study of ______________________________________ teaching methods

1    25. can lead development____________________________________________ Learning

    20. Learning can lead _________________________________________development 

    27. Vygotsky’s theory about prior learning and social context included ___ major ideas. ______4  

28. Who believe that knowledge is actively constructed by learners? ______Nolan and francis  

29. ----- is not restricted to the schools. ______________________________Collegial context  

30. Knowledge about different facts is -----. ______________________stratified knowledge

31. The warmth, respect and appreciation in the eyes of the -------- for the teacher are the actual


32. ___ is an ability to recall or recognize what has been learned or experienced


33. In this state of functioning teacher realize that you didn’t know everything and they need development. help and advice from your colleagues_________________ Intentionally inviting

34. Paulo freire was born in ___________________________________________________Brazil   

35. Teaching is a way of development certain ___ behaviors among students. _______desirable

36. ___is an organized body of knowledge. ____________________________________Science

37. Teacher must give _____ for every students. _______________________________feedback

38. Schooling is not about a single person, it is a -----.__________________ Group orientation

39. stratified knowledge is the Knowledge about ___________________________________facts

40. Knowledge is something that is learnt by reflecting, acting on something is called?________________________________________________ “Subjective knowledge” 

41. Educators work to stimute____. __________________________________Spirit of inquiry

42. To ----------- is to change. __________________________________________________Learn

43. Teacher            must   give___          given from    the      teachers         maximizes     students   learning.

_______________________________________________________Constructive feedback

44. performance objectives are also known as ….. objectives___________________ behavioral

45. A ……is worth a thousand words _________________________________________ picture

46. Teacher has the autonomy of how to teach in a ________________________________class

47. A ------------- needs extensive training and specialized knowledge. _____________profession

The level of …..to the profession must be to the range of every student_______ commitment

28. Teacher must share ideas with the students so that they can work for a change in ---___society

29. ----------- is created when we act and reflect. ______________________________knowledge

30. Teacher is more interested in…..instead of conceptual change _____covering the syllabus

31. Reflection is of ------ types. ____________________________________________________2

32. At second stage of zone of proximal development, a child gets assistance from ------ _____self

33. The reflection on every action at the same moment when the action is being taken is -------------

___________________________________________________________reflection in action

34. A ------------ education comprises of a basic education that a person receives at school.____


35. Different cultures have different perceptions about --------.____________________ education

36. Precise statements written in the lesson plans about expectations from students are called_________________________________________________ Performance objectives

37. If teacher play role like a gardener, and use the teaching strategies as a fertilizer than students grows like a:_______________________________________________________________ Seed 59. Where there is silence, there is no ---------.________________________________ learning

60.           At ------------ stage of zone of proximal development, a child gets assistance from more knowledgeable other.____________________________________________________

61.           A teacher make education attractive for students by using …… teacher learning strategies____

62.           One will have more chance of being successful as a teacher if ___________________

63.           Which of the following competency should be the most focused by Good teachers?______

64.           Which of the following is responsible for curriculum planning?_______________________

65.           Curriculum guides actually give us a guideline about what to be taught in different ----

_________________________________________________________________grade levels   



66.           Educators work to stimulate the spirit of inquiry and acquisition of knowledge.  

67.           Facts or principles that he has memorized by learning.  

68.           Every student has different potential of learning.  

69.           Reflective practice is a way of studying your own experiences to improve the way you work.  

70.           Zone of proximal concept was also established by Vygotsky.   

This professional standard demands from us to create a climate that promotes the Professional judgment.

60.           Teacher has the autonomy of how to teach in a class.  

61.           Task analysis model is a very important model of learning.  

62.           Idea of “Teaching is an Art”, was developed by William James in 1891.   

63.           Knowledge about different facts is stratified knowledge.   

64.           Teaching has a very important social function.   

65.           Planning is important as there are three characteristics of master teachers.   

66.           Intentionally inviting: This is the highest level of your teaching development.  

67.           Knowledge is created, when we act and reflect.   

68.           Modes of presentation are two i.e. Inductive and deductive.  

69.           Nothing is learnt unless it is in long term memory.  

70.           To achieve the learning outcomes of every unit, we have to construct some instructional objectives.  

71.           While writing performance objectives, we have to use an action word that exactly shows the behavior.  

72.           In horizontal level, planning includes selection of activities, resources, assessment and homework.  

73.           In vertical level, it includes link between standards, benchmarks, learning outcomes and             instructional objectives  

74.           Intellectual growth cannot take place unless we do not provide opportunities to our students to think at high level.  

75.           There are three foundations of curriculum: sociological, philosophical and psychological.  

76.           “Analysis level questions are higher-order questions that require students to think critically and in depth.  

77.           The art of developing logical plan for instructional activities is called ‘sequencing’. Such a plan consists of interlink steps.  

78.           The taxonomy has been widely used in curriculum and test construction. From google   

79.           Learn skill of observation then actually inductive mode of presentation is better than deductive mode of presentation.  

80.           Sequence helps to make learning more manageable.   

81.           Comprehension level of cognitive “Describe two nation theory”.  

82.           Holistic vision comes from curriculum planning while detailed implementation comes from lesson planning.  

83.           In curriculum planning, assessment is taken into consideration.  

84.           Asking question is a skill.   

Questions of students are more important than the questions of teachers.

60.           Curriculum documents are not available in all schools.  

61.           Individual Education Plans (IEP)   

62.           The common thing in Tyler's model and Bloom's taxonomy is that the teachers observe the behaviors   

63.           Content knowledge is a very important competency of a teacher.  

64.           Processes are also very important in teachers’ considerations.  

65.           Sequencing has different principles; these principles are the introduction of simple concepts then concrete examples.  

66.           Writing Standards and benchmarks in a sequence in Curriculum Planning.   

67.           Action research is very effective research for teachers, because it aims at improvement.  

68.           Origination is the highest level of Simpson’s hierarchy.   107. Lesson plan starts with the subject.  

108.      There are different mechanics to do different things.  

109.      Good textbooks provide a structured sequence of lessons.  

110.      Working memory is our conscious memory.  

111.      Sequencing steps are in progression. They start from simple and go to complex.  

112.      Origination is the level where a child can originate things on his own.  

113.      Write performance objectives is necessary.  

114.      In order to teach a sequenced lesson teacher need to add complexity to the lesson.  

115.      Unit planning is the most important as well as the most time-consuming level of planning for each teacher. gave the idea by Waish   

116.      Sentence formation is a prerequisite for paragraph writing.  

117.      We have limited time to teach in a class.   

118.      Bloom’s Taxonomy was knowledge level or recall level, where actually students recall their knowledge.  

119.      You will organize the experience in such a way that you will ask them to first observe and then record.  

120.      Teacher must come up with at least one example so that the students can understand the concept easily   

121.      Content forms are three: Facts, Concepts Generalizations  57. A lot of information can be communicated through a picture.  

122.      Lesson plan is actually detailed form of unit plan.  

Abstract thinking is very important

108.      Curriculum guides are planned by Ministry of education in Pakistan.   125. Questioning has a lot of significance value.  

126.      An important thing in inductive mode of presentation is Process.  

127.      Enabling skills are those skills which are required to achieve a certain goal.  

128.      The individualized part of IEP means that the plan has to be tailored specifically to your child's special needs.  

129.      Content and Processes are also very important in teachers’ considerations.  

130.      Whenever we are sequencing, we need to know what a prerequisite for a particular terminal objective is.

131.      The focus in IEP will be on the needs of the learners rather on the content to be taught.  

132.      In debriefing teacher tells the students to reflect what they have learnt through this process.  

133.      Elements of planning 11.   

134.      Simulations are done in the virtual environments and are computer based.  

135.      Discovery learning is a learner-centered method.  

136.      Group processes and the classroom goal, task, reward and participation structures are more directly under the teachers’ control.  

137.      Classroom structures are the foundations that shape particular lessons and behaviors during those lessons. Three important structures include task, goal, and participation structure.   138. . Synthesis level Summarize the story including its main idea.  

139.        There are four steps in Taylor’s model of curriculum  

140.        Write an appropriate title for the text.. come from Synthesis level.   

141.        We need to sequence our learning objectives.  

142.        Adding on must not be confusing.   

143.        Instructional aims: Student-oriented.  

144.        If a teacher plans to take the students for field trips, then he needs to consider school resources.  

145.        Abstractions are something which is not tangible.  

146.        Lesson is a piece of a unit NOT a block of time.  

147.        Learning activities are those where students are actively involved.  

148.        Effective individual education plans (IEP) have key characteristics. They are Individualized and child-centered.  

Girls perform poor in mathematics and science.

139.        Teacher is a person who is making lesson plan, unit plan and term plan.  

140.        A lesson plan is defined as “a systematic design for the development, implementation and evaluation of instruction”.  

141.        . What we do in schools, we never focus on the higher level of learning.  

142.        The common think in Tayler and Bloom taxonomy is that to teacher the behaviors.   

143.        Methods are also identified in instructional planning.  

144.        In evaluation, we discuss that there are two things; criteria and method.  

145.        Where there is silence, there is no learning.  

146.        Metacognition: is cognitive about cognition.  

147.        You have to create a check list for assessing communication skills.  

148.        The other name for Learning by reflection is Socratic Method.   

149.        Master teacher communicate their instructional objectives effectively to the students.  

150.        Linear fashion focus on goals.  

151.        Nonlinear fashion focus on process.  

152.        Negative reinforcement occurs when something already present is removed (taken away) as a result of a person's behavior.  

153.        Gagne expands the steps of introducing and organizing experience to include a sequence of nine particular “Instructional events”.  

154.        Teachers have to identify the methods to monitor the progress of the students.  

155.        Whenever we are planning a unit, we really need to select these learning activities very carefully. And we need to make a match between processes and learning activities.  

156.        The interesting thing is that our emphasis is on working memory.  

157.        Lesson plan is part of the unit plan while activity schedule is part of the block timetable.   

158.        Performance objectives, there are the three elements present i.e. performance condition and criterion.  

159.        Performance objective we need to align our performance objectives with the curriculum.   1) Subject/ topic Unit subject is the title of the whole unit.  

Unit planning is important because we need to know the reasons for dividing the whole thing into components. Most of the times, teachers’ complaint for shortage of time. 

172.  There are three levels of plans.

173.        Collegial context is not restricted to the schools rather now it has become web based  

174.        There are 6 levels of Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive domain.  

175.        Feeling of efficacy is very important for the teachers  

176.        It is our assumption that independent skills are prerequisites, so students know them already.  

177.        Less planning leads to less learning. (Walsh, 1992.  

178.        Collegial context is something that emphasizes that power and decision-making should be shared among some or all members of the organization (Bush, 2003).  

179.        Keeping notes is a very important type of post lesson activity because a teacher can have the record of his/her teaching.  

180.        Knowledge forms are Content, Process.   

181.        Mechanism indicates that a child is independent to do a task by following its mechanics.  

182.        Unit planning is very challenging and time consuming but the most important thing is that good unit planning is a guarantee to effective instruction and effective learning.  

183.        Schools’ policy is to cover the content as much as possible.  

184.        Evaluate your teaching, come up with judgments but provide sufficient evidence to support your statement.  

185.        Declarative knowledge: This is the knowledge that is declared in books, research papers, and newspapers.  

186.        124. According to research, the best recognition is got from students and not from the government or the school administrators.   

187.        Blind and Low Vision A condition of partial or total impairment of sight or vision that even with correction affects educational performance adversely.  

188.        Active learning: Active learning is where human mind is actively involved in constructing meaning of the experience.  

189.        Freire was a Brazilian educator and philosopher who was a leading ...  

190.        Freire was born on September 19, 1921 to a middle-class family in Recife, Pernambuco, 


Teacher is more interested in covering the syllabus instead of bringing conceptual change in the students.

173.        Science is an organized body of knowledge.  

174.        Answering some key questions to create an image of the classroom teaching and learning.” Reflective practice:   

175.        Reflective practice is very important for a teacher.  

176.        Nolan and Francis (1992) believe that: Knowledge is actively constructed by learners.

177.        Learning is there when teachers try to help learners change their cognitive structures instead of focusing on their own teaching.   

178.        “Much human behavior is learnt by observing the behavior of others (Bandura 1978  

179.        Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)   

180.        The gap between actual and potential level of a child is Zone of Proximal Development  

181.        Cognitive perspective is to develop students’ academic and thinking skills from a novice level to a more expert level.  

182.        Speech is a powerful psychological tool that lays the foundation for basic structures of thinking later in one’s development.   

183.        According to Vygotsky’s theory, language, learning and environment is a social context.  

184.        Creativity is also a part of metacognition   

185.        Learning depends on prior learning   

186.        Schools not only teach the students but also raise them. (Sausa,2003)   

187.        What students are taught in schools affects the ways they will thereafter see and treat others. (Schlesinger, 1993)   

188.        CAP: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor  

189.        Psychomotor domain is the domain where your body movements are involved. 

190.        Perception means attending to a stimulus.   210. Set is a readiness for action.  

211.        Word ‘complex’ shows that here the child can do many things independently.  

212.        1Adaptation comes from the word ‘Adapt’ which means to set yourself in the given situation.  

213.        Hierarchy of affective domain was developed by Bloom and Krathwohl in 1964.   

In organization, you start showing that behavior but that is not a consistent behavior.

211.        Taxonomies may be used to decide what to teach, how to teach and how to evaluate teaching.” (Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock 2001)   

212.        Research shows that learning do not take place if presented in isolated items (Hohn,1995) 217. Taxonomies provide a cognitive structure.   


218.          Who presented the multiple intelligence theory? _______________________ Harvard Gardner  

219.          How many levels Bloom’s taxonomy?    ___________________________________________6 

220.          What is concept map?           __________________________________ Graphic organization 

221.          …….formation is a prerequisite for paragraph.________________________________ Sentence 

222.          ……identifies classroom assessment criteria._________________________________ Teacher 

223.          Art of developing logical plan for instructional activities is called?_______________ Sequencing”   

224.          Methods are also identified in... ?_______________________________ Instructional planning 

225.          Good Textbooks provide sequence? ____________________Structured sequence of lessons 

226.          Knowledge has forms?______________________________________________________ Two 

227.          Knowledge is something that is learnt by reflecting, acting on something is called?_ Subjective 

228.          A child knows about own cogitation is called?_________________ Metacognitive knowledge

229.          12. Memorized things in? _____________________________________________________Facts 230.         Task analysis model is a very important model as it helps the teacher to identify __prerequisites. 

The process of setting goals, developing strategies is __________________________planning.

231.          We discuss criteria and method in ________________________________________evaluation. 

232.          The individualized part of IEP means that the plan has to be tailored specifically to your child's __special needs. 

233.          A unit plan is a …..of lesson plans. ________________________________________hierarchy 

234.          Methods are also identified in instructional planning ___________________Student-oriented. 

235.          ……… is basically an extended adaptation of a lesson plan._________________________    IEP 237. We can remember those things which are connected with our _______________prior learning.

238.          Adolescence is a time of profound brain growth. 

239.          Advance organizer model is based upon deductive learning. 

240.          Nonlinear fashion focus on process 

241.          Brainstorming is a common tool to describe a thing 

242.          The white hat in the De Bono’s six thinking hats signifies information known or needed

243.          Teacher model skill in direct instruction 

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