

VU Edu 431 Quiz No. 3 Solved MCQs Latest File

 A Look Back at the Course's Information


Test Development & Evaluation

Synopsis of the Training

Assessment is an essential part of teaching since it allows teachers to determine whether or not their lessons and courses are successful in helping students learn what they set out to. Learners will acquire skills in test creation and evaluation by participation in this seminar. It is the goal of this course to teach students how to create tests and other evaluations that are in harmony with pedagogical goals. This course will also feature exercises to help you develop, refine, and implement assessment rubrics and coding systems that are suitable for the tests you create.

Repercussions on Learning

The course provides an overview of the fundamental principles, philosophies, and methods involved in the creation and administration of educational assessments.

Define, analyze, and criticise the use of different assessment and evaluation strategies in the classroom

Describe and evaluate some strategies for documenting student progress.

College students will learn how to create a table of specifications.

After completing this lesson, students will be able to do Item Analysis.



 Which test requires the students to match a series of responses with corresponding items in stimulus list? Matching items

True-False Items are also known as: Alternatives form items

The item in the column for which a match is sought is called ___________. Premise

The supply type test item is? Fill in the blanks

Which of the following types of items is not a selection item: Short answer

Identifying relationship between two things is done in___________. Matching items

Which of the following are supply type items? Fill in the blanks

Identify the types of objective type items. Selection and supply

A multiple choice question is composed of question referred as ___________: Stem

A list of three or more choices from which an examinee is required to choose the correct one is given in: M.C.Q items

A multiple choice question is composed of question or statement referred as: Stem

Good distractor is that: Attracts equally low and high achievers

In which type of question marking will be more reliable________. Multiple choice questions

The correct option in MCQ is called: Answer

The ability to select organize, integrate and evaluate ideas is demonstrated by__________. Extended Response Questions

Which of the following is an example of supply response items? Short answer

Following are the usefulness of completion questions EXCEPT: Measure complex learning outcomes.

How many columns matching items have ______________? Two

Alternative response item is a type of ______________. All


A test very popular with class room teacher is__________. Multiple choices test

The incorrect option in MCQ are called: Distractor

Which of the following is an example of supply response items? Short answer

Objective type question have advantage over essay type because such questions are ______. Easy to mark

“Types 40 words per minute without error” is an example of: Classical test theory

Which of the following is helpful for more consistent scoring across students and grades? Analytic Rubric

Guessing parameter can be measured in: IRT

Zero in raw score indicates:

A tool used to interpret and grade students’ work against criteria and standards. Rubric

The list of suggested solutions in MCQs in the form of word, symbol, phrase etc. are called: Alternatives

The problem stated in the form of question or incomplete statement in MCQs is called: Stem

Identify the excellent item from given values of item discrimination. 0.50

Identify the excellent item from given values of item discrimination. 0.48

Psychometric properties of items are measured for: High Stake test

Test item is very difficult when value of difficulty level is less than? 0.3

Which of the following term used to describe the performance levels in scoring rubric? Criteria

“Types 40 words per minute without error” is an example of Classical test theory

Identify the value of item difficulty for most difficult test item. 0.1

Identify the value of item difficulty for easiest test item. 0.9 or above

Identify the acceptable item from given values of item discrimination. 0.26 or 0.29

Which of the following is not a basic step to design rubric? Give hints to a student directly

Descriptors are ____________. Details description for each level of performance

Extended response items are helpful to determine: Length and complexity of response

MCQs cannot be used to assess the knowledge of: Illusion

A system of number or values assigned to work is known as: Score

Item analysis focuses to find out?

A scoring tool that teachers use to assess student learning. test

A set of criteria that provides an interpretation of the stated objectives (performance, behavior, quality).

Which of the following are major threats to the validity of test score interpretations___?

Which of the following is appropriate to measure student’s abilities to synthesize when no definite answer can be pre-specified? Holistic Rubric

A description of specific tasks that the student can perform is called: Criterion referenced interpretation

A flatter item characteristics curve shows that item is __________. Poor Discriminator

A set of criteria and standard, educators can assess each student's performance on a wide variety of work. Rubric

A steeper item characteristics curve shows that item is __________. Good Discriminator

Under Item Response Theory, the difficulty of an item describes where the item functions along the ________. ability scale

A set of criteria that provides an interpretation of the stated objectives (performance, behavior, quality).

When you are ready to package and reproduce the test _________. Objectives and test blueprint

Multiple test forms should be assembled so that __________. Students don’t cheat

Test item cannot discriminate low achievers and high achievers when its value is lower than? 0.3

The pattern of students’ errors and misconceptions start emerging after reading a few papers that help to develop scoring rubric for extended response items which will applied to score all papers. This type of scoring is called: Analytic Rubric

Identify the good item from given values of item discrimination. 0.3 - 0.39

A rubric is _____________? used for assessing a particular type of work or performance

Identify the poor item from given values of item discrimination. 0.15,0.17

There are _______ main types of rubric. Two

Scoring of essay items is a __________. Time Consuming

Holistic rubric are good for evaluating ____________. overall performance on a task

Which interpretation of test results is most meaningful when test designed to measure a set of clearly stated learning tasks? Criterion-referenced

A test form is statistically equated to another test form to make the resulting test scores __________. Comparable

Difficulty level of an item determines

The detail of each level of performance in scoring rubric is known as: Descriptors

Following are the decisions made on the basis of high stake testing EXCEPT: Measure learning process during session

Advantages of holistic rubric involves ____________. Quick scoring

Test that measure learning outcomes of students is called: Achievement test

Analytical rubric works best for: Restricted Response items

Which of the following should be school’s professional security practices? Materials must be kept in a locked storage

Identifying relationship between two things is in: Matching Items

Feature, trait or dimension to be measured is decided in the _________ element of rubric. Criteria

To give an answer or make a judgment about something without being sure of all the facts is called: Guess

Which of the following option includes in reproducing the test? Knowing the photocopying machine

Which type of test typically designed for norm-referenced interpretations? Standardized

Discrimination power of an item is acceptable when its value ranges from? : 0.20 or higher

Which of the following are elements of scoring rubric? 1. Score 2. Criteria 3. Level of performance 4. Descriptors

The most commonly used guessing correction formula to predict and control is______. S=R-W/N-1

Zero in raw score indicates?

When the test is ready, the next step is to __________ it. administer

Which type of test is mostly used in survey test batteries? Standardized achievement

Objective type question has advantage over essay type because such questions?

A. Are easy to prepare

B. Are easy to solve

C. Are easy to mark

D. None

Answer is = C

Discrimination value of more than 0.4 means

A. Item is good

B. Item is acceptable

C. Item is weak

D. None

Answer is = B

Test involving the construction of certain patterns are called?

A. Intelligence test

B. Performance tests

C. Scholastic test

D. None

Answer is = B

In multiple choice items the stem of the items should be?

A. Large

B. Small

C. Meaningful

D. None

Answer is = C

Which appropriate verb will you use to make an objective behavioral?

A. To know

B. To appreciate

C. To understand

D. To construct

Answer is = D

Objectives representing the purposes of instruction of a teacher are called?

A. Performance

B. Instructional

C. Attainment

D. None

Answer is = B

Running description of active behavior of a student as observed by the teacher is?

A. Anecdotal record

B. Autobiography

C. Interview



D. None

Answer is = A

A test very popular with class room teacher is?

A. True false test

B. Multiple choices

C. Matching

D. Completion test

Answer is = B

Frequently used tools of summative evaluation are?

A. Test

B. Teacher observation

C. Daily assignment

D. None

Answer is = A

The most commonly used guessing correction formula to predict and control is?

A. S=R-W

B. S=R-W/N-1

C. S=R-w/2-1

D. None

Answer is = B

The summative evaluation is?

A. Diagnostic

B. Certifying judgment

C. Continuous

D. None

Answer is = B

The difference between maximum and minimum values is?

A. Mean

B. Mode

C. Range

D. None

Answer is = C

The number of scores lying in a class interval is?

A. Mid-point

B. Quartiles

C. Class

D. Frequencies

Answer is = D

A multiple-choice question is composed of question referred as?

A. Stem

B. Distracter

C. Foil

D. Response

Answer is = A

In a norm referenced test which item is best?

A. Item difficulty is near zero

B. Item difficulty is near 100

C. Item difficulty is near 70

D. Item difficulty is near 50

Answer is = D

Which question has increasing objectivity of marking?

A. Unstructured essay

B. Structured essay

C. Short answer

D. Multiple type questions

Answer is = D

The most widely used format on standardized test in USA is?

A. Unstructured essay

B. Structured essay

C. Short answer

D. Multiple type questions

Answer is = D

Which questions are difficult to mark with reliability?

A. Unstructured essay

B. Structured essay

C. Short answer

D. Multiple type questions

Answer is = A

Projective techniques are used to measure?

A. Aptitude

B. Intelligence

C. Knowledge

D. Personality

Answer is = D

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