

EDU 601 Grand Quiz (solved) ! VU Quiz Solution !

1.   What did plato do in order to start his own school ___________________________________he wrote down what Socrates has thought him

2.   Plato believed that all source of knowledge is____________________________________ Ideas

3.   Which one stimulates a person toward a goal___________________________ Environment

4.   What is the state of reality/ontology?__________________________________ Epistemology  

5.   According to Dewey Freedom requires ____________________________personal discipline

6.   Socrates believed that the root of moral evil is_______________________________ ignorance 7. Which of the following is not included in Dialectic Method_______________ basic knowledge

8.           Who said that education is a necessity of life, and without it ones life would be miserable.

_______________________________________________________________________ Dewey

9.           The unconscious influence of the environment affects every ____________ character & mind

10.        How many schools of thoughts at Kant time ____________________________________ two

11.        A complex civilization must be broken down into portions in a gradual &______ graded way

12.        According pragmatics reality is _____________________________ constantly changing

13.        Kant was influenced by the works of ……who had ‘put him on the right track’ ___ Rousseau

14.        in what age range people would philosophise and would go up to the level of a philosopher king______________________________________________________________ ages 35-50

15.        Children ought to be educated, not for the present, but for a possibly improved condition of man in the future; that is, in a manner which is adopted to the idea of humanity and the whole destiny of man.” Kant – Thoughts on Education by ________________________________ Kant

16.        Kant was a ……Philosopher  ___________________________________________ German

17.        ……believed never to educate directly, but indirectly by means of the environment._____________________________________________________________Dewey

18.        Immaturity is the potential rather than the capacity to____________________________ grow

19.        Who was the philosopher who come after the famous plato or was one of the student of plato?_______________________________________________________________ Aristotle  

20.        A question and answer dialogue in which proposition are methodically scrutinized to uncover the truth is known as_________________________________________ the Socratic method

21.        Which of the following ethical theories would agree that serving one’s own self interest is the only moral duty?_________________________________________________ Ethical egoism

22.        Who was the famous philosopher that came after Aristotle?___________________ Socrates

23.        According to Aristotle happiness is_________ activity of the soul in accordance with virtue

24.        According to Kant, morality requires us to:_____________________ ___________________ 

________________act only on maxims that we can will to become universal laws

25.    According to Kant, the moral worth of an action depends on_ the maxim that is acted on 26.         What is the area of philosophy that investigate the nature source limitation and validity of

knowledge  ______________________________________________________ Epistemology

27.        According to Kant, the supreme principle of morality is:______ synthetic and a priori

28.        According to Kant, the basis of morality is the concept of:____________________ freedom  29.       Who was one of the students of Socrates ____________________________________ Plato  30.     Which of the following aspects is not true of curriculums suggested by plato?

__________________________________________________________teacher- centered 

31.        Which philosopher was aristotle’s master?____________________________________ Plato

32.        Kant claims that the natural purpose of reason is to:_____________ produce a good will.

33.        What is the approximation of thought to reality _______________________________ Truth  

34.        Which one of the primary condition of growth___________________________ Immaturity  

35.        Aristotle divides the virtues into ____________ moral virtues and intellectual virtues

36.        Idealism deals with _____________________________________________________ ideas

37. According to Kant, moral laws are:______ necessary and apply to all rational beings

38.        According pragmatics truth is __________________________________________ practical

39.        dialectic method belongs to which philosopher ________________________________ plato

40.        how many types of obedience according to Emmanuel Kant________________________ two

41.        john dewey dissertation was based on ________________________Kantian psychology

42.        where did Socrates and his students lives most of the time_____________________ Athens

43.        ……..is a fostering, nurturing & nourishing process ______________________ Education

44.        Which was the best way to render human experience intelligent.________________ inquiry

45.        According to Socrates the ultimate knowledge is ________________________________  

_______________________________One should learn the best way to live one’s life

46.        Who was the huge proponent of Democracy_________________________________ Dewey

47.        Epistemology is the study of _______________________________________knowledge

48.        The most permanent & influential modes of control are those which operate__ continuously 49.         The main objective of dialectic method is to make decisions based on________ knowledge.

50.        For Socrates the soul is harmed by lack of ______________________________ knowledge

51.        Which one is the foremost outcome of Education ____________________________ Growth

52.        Lecture method of teaching is an outstanding contribution of __________  Pragmatism

53.        Who was the famous philosopher of Greek philosophy?_____________________ Socrates

54.        In Aristotle’s view that virtue are_________________________  acquired through habit

55.        The dialectic method originates from …..teaching style. _____________________ Socrates

56.        Metaphysics: is the study of _____________________________________________reality

57.        Which mode plays an important role in transmittal of education to the youth?_environment  

58.        Plato’s allegory of the cave can be seen as a metaphor for -___________________________

____________________The search for the truth and the good through philosophy

59.        The meaning of Philosophy is___________________________________ love for wisdom

60.        What is the goal of education according to idealism_________________________ Cultivation of dynamic, adaptable mind which will be resourceful and enterprising in all situations

61.        Plato was a _________________________________________________________ Idealist

62.        Socrates wants to educate _______________________________  Both men and women

63.        In ancient Greece, who argued that education was about drawing out what is inside the man?________________________________________________________ ________Socrates

64.        What is important to develop the intrinsic judgment and emotions in a person?   _Psychology 

65.        Activity increases our ……………………?      ___________________ Strength and passion 

66.        Who was the first philosopher to formulate logic or teaching procedures? _________Aristotle 

67.        Rousseau was born in ………..in 1712. _____________________________________Geneva 

68.        What are the primary sources of education? ___________All of these (man, nature, things) 

69.        According to Rousseau what things made the individual free? ________The social institution 

70.        Rousseau was in favor of …..Education. ____________________________________Women 

71.        In which stage rote learning is from of learning?  ___________________________ 2 B stages   

72.        How school system can be changed eventually by?   _______Humanistic teaching approach   

73.        Which is not a part of Rousseau curriculum stage 3 ?   ____________________ Mathematics   

74.        Child is ….by nature. ____________________________________________________ Good 

75.        The ………… is a body of techniques for investigation phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. _____________________Scientific method   

76.        In which year Adler participated in Socratic discussion group? ______________________1921  

77.        Law of necessity was presented by:  _________________________________________ Kant   

78.        Learning is about disciplined inquiry into some aspect of ……..___________________ Reality  

79.        How truth be tested in pragmatism? ________________________________Experimentation 

80.        A thinking process in which you proceed from general to specific statements using prescribed rules of logic: ________________________________________________Deductive Reasoning  81.           Which is not included in Rousseau's curriculum? ______________________Book knowledge  

82.        Aristotle states that if we ask what the highest good of human action is:

________________________________________nearly everyone agrees that it is happiness   

83.        In Aristotle’s terminology, incontinence is when? ______________________________       

_________________________One know that one's actions are wrong but does them anyway 

84.        The knowledge comes from? ____________________________________________Senses  85.    In which stage Moral training is emphasized? _________________________Infancy not sure 

86.         According to Aristotle, we should begin ethical inquiry by specifying?

___________________________________________________________The aim of human life  

87.         What is the ultimate aim of Rousseau Emile's?____________________________ goodness 

88.         What the child learn fast from nature? __________________________________ Goodness

89.         Which element become an important part of Dewey’s pedagogical philosophy?


90.         From which university john Dewey studied philosophy? ________________________Hopkins  

91.         In Aristotle’s view the virtues are ____________________________Acquired through habit  

92.         The allegory of cave present us with _______________A story of prisoners and one escape

93.         According to Kant, moral laws are: ___________Necessary and apply to all rational beings  

94.         The dialectic method crosses a divide line between matter and _____________________Idea  

95.         Who were the three famous Greek philosophers? _____________Socrates, Plato, Aristotle  

96.         Which of the following ethical theories would agree that the consequences of an action make it right or wrong?____________________________________________________ Utilitarianism

97.         According to which philosopher “humans are the only being in need of an education”____Kant

98.         Reminiscence means______________________________________________Recalling past

99.         Which of the following is not considered in dialectic method?__________Material knowledge

100.      According to Plato, teaching methodology also involves certain technicalities and specific elements?________________________________________________Storytelling and literature

101.      In which university john Dewey work as an instructor?_________________________Michigan 102. Which one is the fostering, nurturing and nourishing process?_________________Education 103. According to Kant’s approach to moral philosophy, ethics is based on the consequence of ones_____________________________________________The consequence of one’s action 104. What is Plato aim in republic______________________________________________            ___________To define justice and to prove that it is worthwhile to pursue for its own sake

105.    School founded by Aristotle_____________________________________________Lyceum

106.    Where did Socrates and his student live most of the time________________________Athens

107.    Kant claims that the moral law is given to each person by:_________________One’s own will 108. Which one is the primary condition of growth?_____________________________Immaturity

109.    Plato defines the curriculum in which of the following three stages according to age and type?_________________________________________Elementary, military, higher education

110.    The unconscious influence of the environment affects?______________Human and animals

111.    Who was the famous philosopher of Greek philosophy?___________________________Plato

112.    The ability of an individual to retain or maintain growth that education brings about in the set direction is:_________________________________________________________Development

113.    Who said that “education is necessity of life:__________________________________Dewey

114.    What is Plato role in republic?__To define justice and prove that it is worthwhile to pursue 115. Essentially the realization & the exercise of____________________________________virtue

116.    Axiology is the study of___________________________________________________Values

117.    Direction can be both successive and_________________________________Simultaneous

118.    Who implemented the pragmatism theory in educational institutes?___________John Dewey

119.    What did Plato do in order to start his own school?_He wrote what Socrates has taught him

120.    The most permanent and influential modes of control are those which operate:_Continuously

121.    Plato teachings method are______________________________________Dialectic didactic

122.    According to Kant, the supreme principle of morality is:__________Analytic and a posteriori

123.    John Dewey dissertation was based on:__________________________Kantian psychology

124.    Aristotle divides virtues into___________________________________Natural & intellectual

125.    Which one is not an adequate motivator for children by Dewey?__________________Future

126.    How was the school founded by Aristotle known?_____________________________Lyceum

127.    How many types of obedience according to Emmanuel Kant?______________________Two

128.    To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing and be nothing is quoted by___________Aristotle

129.    Kant encourages duty and discourages_________________________Educational decisions

130.    The famous statement “An unexamined life is not worth living” is attributed to______Socrates

131.    Plato’s philosophy of teaching methods is about using two teaching methods, these methods are and _______________________________________________________Didactive, Dialectic

132.    Aristotelian education is divided into ?_________________________________Three periods.

133.    Doctrine means_______________________________________________________Teaching

134.    Socrates believed that knowledge is same thing as or excellence and is always good.____________________________________________________________________Virtue

135.    The biggest moral paradox in Kant’s philosophy was____________________Moral autonomy

136.    According to Socrates, what is the lowest grade of cognitive activity? __________Imagination

137.    Ideas are the true_______________________________________________________Reality

138.    Trying to understand human nature is:______________The study of what makes us human

139.    Oregnon is the book of__________________________________________________Aristotle

140.    Socrates believed that education must takes place_______________Everywhere at all times

141.    Education teaches virtue & promotes_______________________________________Wisdom

142.    According to Kant, laws of nature are laws according to which , and laws of freedom are laws according to which __________________everything will happen; everything ought to happen 143.  According to Kant, moral laws are:__________ necessary and apply to all rational beings.

144.      Kant claims that the moral law is given to each person by:________________one’s own will.

145.      According to Aristotle, we should begin ethical inquiry by specifying:__the aim of human life.

146.      Aristotle states that if we ask what the highest good of human action is:_______________________________________nearly everyone agrees that it is happiness.

147.      In Aristotle’s view, the virtues are:____________________________ acquired through habit.

148.      Aristotle divides the virtues into:__________________moral virtues and intellectual virtues. 149. Aristotle claims that:___________________________virtue is in our power, and so is vice.

150. In Aristotle’s terminology, incontinence is when:__________________________________  

_______________________one knows that one’s actions are wrong, but does them anyway 151. Aristotle ends the Ethics with a segue to a discussion of:_______________________ politics.

152. According to Dewey, the problem of value arose:_______________________________   

_____________when teleological considerations were eliminated from the natural sciences. 153. Dewey maintains that the existence of valuations is determined:

_____________________________________________________by observations of behavior.

154.      Dewey claims that value-propositions are: ___________propositions about matters of fact.

155.      Dewey maintains that “means” are by definition: _______________________all of the above.

156.      Dewey maintains that “extrinsic value” is:_____________________a contradiction in terms.

157.      Dewey claims that the difference between “what is desired” and “what is desirable” is: ____

____that the former is an unexamined impulse, and the latter the product of investigation.

158.      Dewey argues that ends-in-view depend on:____________________________ both a and b. 159.  According to Dewey, an end-in-itself is:____________________________self-contradictory 160. When Euthyphro attempts to define the holy as prosecuting wrongdoers, Socrates objects that:

______________________________________there are many other things that are also holy. 161. Socrates suggests that the holy is one part of:____________________________what is just.

162.      During his trial, Socrates argues that he would never intentionally corrupt others because:

_________________________________________________________he would not know how.

163.      Socrates tells Crito that he should attempt to break out of prison if and only if doing so would be:___________________________ harmful to his enemies and advantageous to hisfriends.

164.      To argue that he is obliged to obey the laws of Athens, Socrates compares the city to:___________________________________________________________________ a spouse

165.      In the Republic, Thrasymachus claims that justice is:  ______the advantage of the stronger. 166. In Book II of the Republic, Glaucon claims that justice originates from: __ a social agreement.

167. According to pragmatism truth is_______________________________________ Changing


__________________________________________________________________________ Virtue

2.           every infant created his mother tongue by ___________________________________himself

3.           …..believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content or the teacher. ___________________________________________________________ Progressivists 4. preschool children should perform at the …in all cognitive tasks______ preoperational level 5. This implies that children should be introduced to new experiences that are related to experiences they have already had but that also challenge their thinking in some way___


6.           The essentialist curriculum is heavily dependent on the_______________________ teacher.

7.           Essentialism is used to maintain status quo rather than__________ foster social change.

8.           ….has been criticized for ignoring the importance of the student in the learning process and awarding all power to the teacher.______________________________________________ Bagley

9.           What was the first thing that Montessori requires of a Montessori Directress?

___________________________________________ __  Providing direction to the children

10.        According to Montessori, what are the two sins that will distort the true vision of a child

________________________________________________________________ Pride and anger

11.        “Teaching and learning is a process of inquiry in which the child must invent and reinvent the world” it stated by._____________________________________________________ Paulo Freire

12.        Which type of treatment should be given in the school by Montessori?__________ Physical

13.        Montessori work with: _____________________________Western society and culture

14.        which type of material is used by Montessori? ______________________________ sensory

15.        Paulo Freire belongs to _______________________________________________Brazilian

16.        children often learn ….concepts with brief instruction._______________________ advanced 17. Educators who promote the Social Reconstruction …..view curriculum from a social perspective _____________________________________________________________ ideology

18.        is a way of educating “the masses of humanity” to critically analyze themselves in relation to their society.___________________________________________________________ Curriculum

19.        Bagley believed that every classroom must have …main components which are subsequently discussed. __________________________________________________________________ three

20.        According to……believe that schools are one social institution used by dominant classes to reproduce the circumstances that maintain their power.___________________ Critical Theorists

21.        Piaget described to test children's ________________________________________abilities

22.        Progressivism has given to education …basic principles on which it operates___________ six

23.        Bagley promoted approach to promoting students to the next educational level.

_________________________________________ He promoted the pass or fail approach’

24.        Plato’s            allegory          of         the      cave    can      be        seen   as        a          metaphor             for

_________________________________The need to always adhere to conventional ideas

25.        Who was the famous philosopher that came after Aristotle? _______________________Plato

26.        The idea that “virtue is knowledge” is attributed to: ____________________________Socrate 27. What is the goal of education according to Idealism? ______________________Cultivation of dynamic, adaptable mind which will be resourceful and enterprising in all situations

28.        According to Socrates, what is the lowest grade of cognitive activity? ___________Confusion

29.        According to Socrates, the ultimate knowledge is: __________________________________ ____________________________________________One should learn best way to live life

30.        What is the area of philosophy that investigates the nature, sources, limitations, and validity of knowledge? _________________________________________________________Epistemology

31.        Epistemology is the study of__________________________________________ knowledge

32.        Doctrine means. ____________________________________________________Teaching

33.        Who was one of the students of Socrates? _____________________________________Plato

34.        The dialectic method crosses the divide line between matter and___. _________________Idea

35.        According to Socrates, the ultimate knowledge is: One should learn best way to live life

36.        According to Socrates, what is the lowest grade of cognitive activity? ___________Confusion

37.        What philosophy is supposed to be?  ____________________________________________

__________The truth of any claims is relative to the beliefs/ attitudes of the speaker

38.        Dialectic method is of: _________________________________________________Socrates

39.        Socrates believed that knowledge is the same thing as __ or excellence and is always good. __________________________________________________________________________Virtue

40.        A question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized uncover the truth is known as ______________________________________________the Socrates method

41.        Reminiscence means. ___________________________________________Recalling past

42.        School founded by Aristole known.  _______________________________________Lyceum

43.        Main objective of dialectic method is to make decision. _____________________Knowledge

44.        Not considered in dialectic method. ____________________________Material knowledge

45.        Plato’s aim in the republic. ________________________________________________

_________To define justice and to prove that it is worthwhile to pursue its own sake

46.        According to Kant, the basis of morality is the concept of:______________________ Freedom

47.        Kant claims that the moral law is given to each person by: ________________one’s own will

48.        Plato   defines           the      curriculum     in         which of         the      following        three             stages.

__________________________________________Elementary, Military, Higher Education

49.        In what age range, the people would philosophies and would go up to the level of philosopher king? ________________________________________________________________Age 35 | 50

50.        In Aristotle’s view, ______________________the virtues are acquired through habit.

51.        Who were the three famous Greek philosophers? ___________Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.

52.        Epistemology is study___________________________________________ of Knowledge.

53.        Aristotle divides the virtue into ________________moral virtue and intellectual virtue.

54.        The allegory of cave presents us with _____________________________________________

_______________________________a metaphor for understanding the search for truth.

55.        Who was the first famous philosopher of Greek Philosophy? __________________Socrates.

56.        Social reconstructionism is a …that emphasizes the addressing of social questions and a quest to create a better society and worldwide democracy____________________________ philosophy 57.   Rousseau was born in …in 1712.________________________________________ Geneva

58.        The …is body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting or integrating previous knowledge.__________________________ Scientific method

59.        Kant was influenced by the work of Rousseau who had put him on the right track.

60.    Kant claims that _______the moral law is given to each person by one’s own will 61.       According to Kant,____________________ Man can only become man by education

62.        Kant was a …..philosopher._____________________________________________ German

63.        Who was the first philosopher to formulate the logic for teaching procedures? _____Aristotle

64. Aristotle calims that ________________________virtue is in our power and so is vice

65.        Benjamin Bloom major work is in _______________________________________Cognitive

66.        According to Socrates, what is lowest grade of cognitive activity?___________ Imagination

67.        There are two major kinds of homeschoolers, they are ___formal and informal approach

68.        No child left behind act was passed in …as a reauthorization of the ESEA act.________ 2001

69.        (USA) became the first state to pass a compulsory attendance law. ______ Massachusetts

70.        One of the biggest issues perspective homeschoolers face is that of ________Socialization

71.        Interpersonal individuals are often described as ____________________Social butterflies

72.        Formal approach means that the direction process is same as at school,________________________________________ except that is taking place at home

73.        What type    of         interaction     occurs            in         the      Montessori    classroom?

__________________________________(Child environment/teacher-child environment)

74.        Indication of democratic attitude is ____________________________________All of above

75.        The word democracy has been derived from the language _______________________Greek

76.        The “back-to-basics” movement is most associated with __________________Essentialism

77.        Chomsky criticized Blooms emphasis on _________________a Great Books curriculum

78.        In the existentialist classroom, the curriculum is ______________________________________

_________________________________chosen by the students for self directed learning

79.        According      to         progressivists,             _____________________________________________

__________students learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives

80.        Jaspers believe that education is maieutic, the maieutic method  _____________________

___________________aims to bring a person's latent ideas into clear consciousness

81.        Which of the following is considered a teacher-centered philosophy? ________Essentialism

82.        The role of the teacher in a perennialist classroom is as a________________________ tutor

83.        The Great Books curriculum is promoted by supporters of ________________perennialism.

84.        Who raised the slogan “Back to Nature”? _______________________________Naturalism

85.        The word philosophy derives from _________________Greek, meaning love of wisdom

86.        Which of the following is not the objective of University education according to Jaspers?


87.        Perennialism focuses on the …..principal.______________________________ everlasting

88.        A Nebraska statue forbade teaching of foreign language before completion of grade___ Eight

89.        Which of the following reason of choosing home schooling ________________All of above

90.        Intrapersonal learners are usually ____________________________________________Shy

91.        …leaners are doodlers and artists and everything in between.____________________ Visual

92.        The most frequent subjects for standardized testing for home schooled children are

_______________________________________________  reading, writing and mathematics

93.        Before common school movement in the latter half of nineteenth century, the common believe about education was______________________________ it’s a matter of parental discretion.

94.        Formal approach means that the education process is the same as at school ,  ___________________________________________ expect that it is taking place at home.

95.        The law included mandatory attendance for children for the age of …..for at least three months out of each year.________________________________________________ eight and fourteen 96. The Oregon state required by law that all children must __________attend public schools.

97.        The goals of this educational theory are to transmit cultural heritage and develop good citizens.

Subject matter includes literature, history, foreign languages, and religion __________essentialism.

98.        Activities are designed to discipline the mind. Subjects taught include mathematics, language, logic, great books, and doctrines _________________________________________perennialism.

99.        The task of education is to develop learning environments that lead to desired behaviors in students ____________________________________________________________behaviorism. 100. An educational theory that emphasizes that ideas should be tested by experimentation and that learning is rooted in questions developed by learner’s ______________________progressivism. 101. An educational approach in which students are taught to analyze world events, explore controversial issues, and develop a vision for a new and better world ______reconstructionism.

102.     This theory stresses learning activities during which students are free to infer and discover their own answers to important questions ___________________________________constructivism.

103.     Who developed the educational theory of progressivism? __________________John Dewey

104.     Which educational theory views human experiences as the basis for knowledge? ___idealism

105.     Goals are to transmit cultural heritage and develop good citizens. Subject matter includes literature, history, foreign languages, and religion.  This educational theory is: ______essentialism

106.     The three basic principles of essentialism are a core of information, student-centered instruction, and hard work and mental discipline: ____________________________________________false

107.     Teacher-centered  educational  theories                         include:

___________________________________________essentialism,positivism, perennialism

108.     Which of the following is a characteristic of a student-centered teaching style?

_______________________________________________________ discovery based learning

109.     The lesson plans of a student-centered teacher would emphasize all of the following except:

__________________________________________________________________‘right’ answers

110.     The teacher-centered classroom will include all of the following except: ___________________ ___________________________________________________flexible seating arrangements

111. Motivation consists of two parts:   __________________________________________ _____________________external action or behavior and internal drives or desires

112.     The belief that students are inherently capable of solving their own problems best describes which of the following philosophies? _______________________________non-interventionists

113.     Control theory as a requisite for classroom discipline practices has been advanced by:

___________________________________________________William Glasser

114.     Students are inherently capable of solving their own problems; this best describes: non_________________________________________________________________interventionists 115. Teachers must set classroom standards for conduct; this best describes: __interventionists

116.    Voice is the multifaceted interlocking set of meanings through which students and teachers actively engage with one another. __________________________________________________true

117.    Control theory is. a theory of discipline that contends that people choose most of their behaviors to gain control of other people or themselves. ________________________________________True

118. Classroom organization includes:__ (content, methods & values) all of the above 119. Classroom climate is best defined as: _____________________the underlying relationships  and a tone or sense of being and feeling in the classroom 120. Teacher centered authority includes ______learning focused on convergent thinking 121. Non-interventionist teacher control means:_ low teacher control/high student control

122.     Standards in education refers to:__________________________________all of the above

123.     The type of standard which includes knowledge, skills, and dispositions in various subject areas is: ___________________________________________________________content standards

124.     Broad statements about knowledge and skills a student or teacher should have at a certain level are called:________________________________________________ performance standards

125.     The type of standard that provides for proper instructional resources, assessments, and system structures is called: _______________________delivery or opportunity to learn standards

126.     What is a level of development toward the achievement of a standard called?____Benchmark

127.     Assessment includes all of the following except: _________________________lesson plans

128.     The ACT and SAT tests are examples of assessments used as: ____________gatekeeping

129.     Student teaching is an example of which type of assessment?_________________ capstone

130.     A tool that uses day-to-day activities to decide if some behavior is being displayed is called: ____________________________________________________________________observation

131.     A rubric that measures all the criteria simultaneously and makes an overall evaluation is considered: _______________________________________________________________holistic

132.     Proficiencies are the knowledge, skills, or dispositions that students are expected to acquire in order to meet a set of standards: __________________________________________________true 133. Rubrics are: ______________________________scoring guides that describe what learners should know and be able to do at different levels of competence

134. Brown vs. Board of Education decided that: _separate facilities are inherently unequal

135.     The Cival Rights Act was signed by …in 1964.___________________ Lyndon B. Johnson

136.     The fight for equality reached a zenith in ….with the Brown vs. Board of Education._____________________________________________________ Topeka, Kansas

137.     Following the Civil Rights Act of 1964, schools that did not integrate could lose federal funding. ____________________________________________________________________________True

138.     As a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Lyndon B. Johnson passed the Elementary and

Secondary Education Act (ESEA) which: __provided a carrot and stick to America’s school

139.     The schools in Crystal City, TX in the early 1960s encouraged Mexican American students to speak Spanish and hold onto their bilingual roots.  ___________________________________False

140.     The bilingual Education Act was designed to:   ____________________________________

_____________give aid to schools with children whose first language is not English. 141. Title IX, passed in 1974, is about: ___________equality in sports based on gender.

142.     When the federal government passed Title IX in 1974, they encouraged schools to follow it by ___________________withholding federal money from schools that did not follow it.

143.     The     14        year    old       student           who     was     part     of         the      Title    IX             laws: 

_______________________was denied a women’s basketball team at her school

144.     As a result of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, some 30,000 black teachers lost their jobs. ________________________________________________________________________True

145.     The student who presented Chicano student demands to the school board in

Crystal City, Texas twenty years later became the mayor of Crystal City, Texas. __________True

146.     According to Montessori, what occurs when a child is criticized too much be an adult?___

147.     What is the reason for difference in number of students in per class in the Montessori classroom compared to the traditional classroom?________________________________________

148.     According to Montessori, what is supported by fact that from ages 6-12, there are fewer incidences of illness and morality?_______________________________________________

149.     According to Montessori, what sets the tune of development and the correction of slef?____

150.     Jasper followed the education of Socratic Method, which of the following is not true of method.___________________________________________________________________

151.     Jaspers philosophy of education focuses that education is_____________________

152.     Which of the following reasons of choosing home schooling_________ ALL OF THE ABOVE

153.     Children should be given an opportunity to ...... the democratic way of life in school.____ Learn 154. …..advocates full participation in all aspects of social and civic life---not only those conventionally identified as ‘political’.__________________________________ Deep democracy

155. School should be run on democratic lines is held by?___________________ Progressivism 156. Which of the following is the middle way of home schooling?_____ Where parents allowing children the flexibility to follow their interests while ensuring they are learning

157. ___________ became the first state to pass a compulsory law.__________ Massachusetts

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