

PPSC Lecturer Biology 2022 Fully Solved Paper


PPSC Lecturer Biology 2022 Paper

1.     Pearl forming layer? Nacre

2.     Nehro report represented by whom? Motilal Nehru

3.     fight and flight response by which system? Sympathetic

4.     Peace and war novel writer name? Leo Tolstoy

5.     Which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout? Animation

6.     Natural bacteria used in mining this process is called? Biomining/BioLeaching

7.     Mostly mollusks are? Marine

8.     Which one is not mollusk? Sea feather

9.     The ages of A and B are in the ratio 6:5 and the sum of their ages is 44 years. What will be the ratio of their age after 8 years? 28 years

10.  The receptor which detects pressure? Baroreceptors

11.  Hormone not secreted by anterior lobe of pituitary? ADH

12.  Protein synthesis takes place in organelle? Ribosomes

13.  Chromosomal theory was proposed by? Theodor Boveri and Walter Sutton

14.  Source of protein (meat, eggs, legumes) all of these

15.  Chromosome term was coined by? W. Waldeyer coined the term "chromosome" in 1888.

16.  Yogurt and Cheese are made by? Fermentation

17.  ABO blood group system (e.g. AB blood group) is a type of? Codominance

18.  Water used in Agriculture? --- freshwater

19.  Anticodon present on? tRNA

20.  Mosquito causing dengue? Aedes aegypti

21.  The distance between two consecutive DNA base pairs is? 0.34 nm

22.  The part of bacteria which have antibiotic resistance genes?  Plasmid

23.  Which amino acid enters in urea cycle? Ornithine

24.  Fight and Flight response? Sympathetic 

25.  Fruit ripening plant hormone? Ethylene

26.  Which characteristic is present in gymnosperms but not present in other seeded plants? Exposed Seeds

27.  Which are nonvascular plants? Bryophytes

28.  Qazi k Ghar k Chohay syany hoty hn.

29.  Something: Somebody

30.  Sexual Reproduction In flowering plants was discovered by? Camerarius

31. Disease-causing agent? Trypanosoma

32.  Changes in mRNA (Methylation and etc) after formation in a eukaryotic cell? Post-transcriptional modifications

33.  mRNA formation takes place in? Nucleus

34.  Cri du chat syndrome is due to which chromosome no.? 5

35.  Hardy Weinberg Problem? 0.42

36.  Single user system? DOS

37.  At room temperature Water is found in a liquid state. This is because? hydrogen bonds

38.  Production of polysaccharides is very common to bacteria, yeasts, and fungi? Dextran

39.  who sequenced amino acids in insulin for the first time? Fred Sanger

40.  First vaccine formed by recombinant DNA technology? Hepatitis B

41.  Anticodon of GCA? CGU

42.  Alternation of generation: Liverworts, Hornworts etc? All of these

43.  Grand Jamia Mosque Karachi completion date? 2021

44.  Women are not in committee (into, over, to)? None of these

45.  In Sugar Cane Which Pathway is found? Hatch and Slack

46.  Tirich Mir is the highest peak of? the northern Hindu Kush

47.  Peace of war?? Tolstoy

48.  Zig-Zag Pattern in DNA is due to? Histone Core (Not confirmed)

49.  Asymmetrical animals? Sponges

50.  Two polypeptide chains are joined by hydrogen bonds to produce? β-pleated sheet

51.  Three polypeptides join to form which structure? Quaternary structure

52.  In α-helix secondary structure, hydrogen bonds lie between the imide group of one amino acid and the carbonyl group of? 4th amino acid

53.  The Catherine Palace is in? St. Petersburg, Russia.

54.  Which of the following techniques is used to determine the protein structures? X-ray crystallography

55.  Sugar consumption per capita reached 21.1 kg in 2019 in Pakistan, according to Faostat. (Not Confirmed)

56.  A disease caused by an autosomal primary nondisjunction? Down’s Syndrome

57.  Which of the following are the main characteristic features of an Insect? Three pairs of legs

58.  Law of independent assortment follows? ( ratio)

59.  Who Presented Poor Men’s budget in 1946? Liaquat Ali

60.  Pair of Sex chromosomes in humans? 1 pair

61.  In which stage of meiosis, crossing over takes place? Meiotic-1

62.  Polygenic traits controlled by? Multiple alleles controlling one trait

63.  Not Conjugated Protein? Complete protein

64.  Not extraembryonic membrane? Somite

65.  The most natural habitat is destroyed by? Human Activities

66.  Relative location of genes on chromosomes? Genome Mapping

67.  The computational methodology that tries to find the best matching between two molecules, a receptor and ligand is called? Molecular docking

68.  Not natural predators of BPH? Red Ants

70.  Which of the following statements is true about the complete proteins? (a) High-protein foods that stabilize body weight (b) Food that has a balanced amount of fat and protein (c) Foods that provide all the amino acids that the body needs 

(d) All of the above

71.  Disease due to Deficiency of protein? All of these

72.  The first step in Photosynthesis? The excitement of an electron of chlorophyll by a photon of light

73.  The least level of chromosome organization is? Nucleosome

74.  Monotreme character? Egg-laying

75.  Anticodon for G according to wobble pair? U

76.  In pencil large amount of ____ is present? Graphite

77.  If we see the sky from another planet its colour? Black

78.  Correct Indirect: He said that the king was coming then.

79.  Transfer of naked DNA between bacteria? Transformation

80.  Ti plasmid last if agrobacteria temperature? Above 29/26 C

81.  Pesticides involve chemicals? insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides, and. fungicides.

82.  Technique can’t determine protein structure? MRI

83.  Co-enzymes are formed from? Vitamins

84.  In Mitochondria ____ process? Beta Oxidation of Fatty acids

85.  The hardest material in teeth? Enamel

86.  The Hormone not Secreted by the anterior lobe of the Pituitary gland? ADH

87.  Screen size of Tv/LCD increases from 2005-2011? 0.5

88.  The gastric medium? Acidic

89.  ATP Synthesis? Substrate level Phosphorylation and Chemiosmosis

90.  Which organelle absorbs visible light? Chloroplast

91.  Intervening sequences are? Introns

92.  Mehsoor? Ghairna

93. Sky colour from other planets is: Black

94. Imperative verbs are verbs that create an imperative sentence (i.e. a sentence that gives an order or command)

Plants are transformed more quickly than animals because? their cells are easy to culture in test tubes and Petri plates

95. Same type of chromosomes after duplication: Paralog

96. Spicule-producing cells of sponges are: scleroblast

97.      Total No. Of ATP: 38 (F.Sc Biology/36 (Lehninger Biochemistry)

98.      The enzyme which reverses DNA Damage was discovered by?? Ans not known.

99. Difference between Adsorption and Partition Chromatography is? Stationary Phase

    100. Forward genetics refers to the approach of determining the genetic basis responsible for a phenotype

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