

Difference between Planning (Planners) and Organization (Organizers)




·         Planning is a process of setting goals, courses of action, developing rules and procedures, and forecasting future outcomes.

·         Planners must be aware of environmental conditions facing their organization.

·         It is identifying and arranging the work and resources needed to achieve the goals that have been set.


·         Organizations enable a group of individuals to efficiently coordinate their efforts and get things done.

·         Planning is the first function of the management.

·         Organizing comes after planning.

·         Planners first analyze the target and then chose.

·         Planners must be aware of the critical exigencies facing their organization in terms of economic conditions, their competitors, and their customers.

·         Organizers arrange resources to achieve the target.

·         It involves deciding how best to departmentalize, or bunch, jobs into departments to coordinate effort successfully.

·         Planning is incessant in nature.

·         Organizing continues unless the time all the resources are collected.

·         Planning is the psychological process of thinking in advance about what is to be done by a particular job candidate.

·        It involves how best to design individual jobs to most efficiently use human resources.

Keywords: difference between planning and organization,
difference between planning and organizing in organization

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